
Umarmen Sie Ihre Weiblichkeit mit den eleganten und anspruchsvollen Zeitmessern der Hathor-Kollektion


Entfesseln Sie Ihren inneren Krieger mit den kühnen und robusten Zeitmessern der Anubis-Kollektion


Halten Sie Ihre Abenteuer stilvoll mit den vielseitigen Zeitmessern der Khonsu-Kollektion fest.


Entfesseln Sie Ihre innere Stärke mit den mutigen und kraftvollen Zeitmessern der Nephthys-Kollektion


Erhöhen Sie Ihren Stil mit den raffinierten und eleganten Zeitmessern der Edjo-Kollektion

#du bist dein eigener trend

Wir glauben, dass der beste Weg, etwas Zeitloses und Beständiges zu schaffen, darin besteht, sich von der kulturellen Umgebung inspirieren zu lassen, die Sie Ihr Zuhause nennen.



Jedes Stück der Heritage Collection ist mit Liebe zum Detail gefertigt, sodass Sie mehr als nur ein Reisender in dieser weiten Welt sein können – Sie können Ihr eigener Trend sein

Sie sind Ihr eigener Trend

Wir bieten Exzellenz


Eine gut gefertigte Uhr erzählt eine Geschichte, und wir möchten, dass Sie Ihre erzählen. Deshalb entwerfen wir unsere Uhren mit Qualität und Stil für die moderne Frau.

#du bist dein eigener trend


Unleash Your Inner Strength with the Nephthys Collection for Women" The Nephthys Collection for Women is inspired by the ancient Egyptian goddess of death and the underworld, Nephthys. This collection features bold and empowering timepieces that embody strength and confidence. Each watch is expertly crafted with premium materials to ensure durability and longevity. Unleash your inner strength and stand out from the crowd with the Nephthys Collection for Women.

TR005L31D3-E10S7 Women's Analog Watch
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Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

Trendsetting Style

Where timelessness meets the now

TRNDA isn't just a watch, it's a statement. Our designs capture the essence of the moment, blending classic elegance with daring trends to adorn your wrist with the confidence of a true trendsetter.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Unbreakable Elegance

Built to last, crafted to love

Solid stainless steel bands form the foundation of every TRNDA watch. Uncompromising in strength and sophistication, they'll seamlessly transition from boardroom to beach, whispering tales of adventure with every tick.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Double the Security

A bond built to endure

Our signature double buckle clasp keeps your TRNDA watch securely fastened, no matter where life takes you. It's a subtle detail that speaks volumes about our dedication to quality and your peace of mind.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Embrace the Unexpected

Conquer any depth, own every moment

Water resistance is more than a spec at TRNDA. It's an invitation to experience life without limits. From a spontaneous rain shower to a daring dive, your TRNDA watch thrives where others flinch.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

Trendsetting Style

Where timelessness meets the now

TRNDA isn't just a watch, it's a statement. Our designs capture the essence of the moment, blending classic elegance with daring trends to adorn your wrist with the confidence of a true trendsetter.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Unbreakable Elegance

Built to last, crafted to love

Solid stainless steel bands form the foundation of every TRNDA watch. Uncompromising in strength and sophistication, they'll seamlessly transition from boardroom to beach, whispering tales of adventure with every tick.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Double the Security

A bond built to endure

Our signature double buckle clasp keeps your TRNDA watch securely fastened, no matter where life takes you. It's a subtle detail that speaks volumes about our dedication to quality and your peace of mind.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 4 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Embrace the Unexpected

Conquer any depth, own every moment

Water resistance is more than a spec at TRNDA. It's an invitation to experience life without limits. From a spontaneous rain shower to a daring dive, your TRNDA watch thrives where others flinch.